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 And all those foody scents

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Posts : 7
Join date : 2012-04-02

And all those foody scents Empty
PostSubject: And all those foody scents   And all those foody scents EmptyThu May 10, 2012 11:45 am

I'm such a sucker for foodie scents.
I got the spring sampler set, because this is my first spring purchase from SS, and also the banana nut bread and apple mallow whipped soap, and apple mallow home fragrance.
I took a whole bunch of picture for my blog but I'm a little lazy to do a blog post, but I will link it when I do!
link here now!: (loads of pictures and other stuff)

I especially love chiffon and chantilly cream, which is to be expected. Chiffon is such a graceful, sweet scent, the lemon being quite subtle and not sharp at all. Chantilly cream is very sweet and absolutely delish. I was quite impressed with linen and ivy, so clean and green.

And the two whipped soaps! Absolutely fabulous and I love the texture of them!
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And all those foody scents
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