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 Using HFOs properly--help!

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Using HFOs properly--help! Empty
PostSubject: Using HFOs properly--help!   Using HFOs properly--help! EmptyMon Sep 16, 2013 11:42 am

I was wondering if anyone could advise me on properly using the HFOs. I have quite the collection of them, and want to love them, but whenever I use them they smoke within a few minutes. I'm using a soapstone oil burner to diffuse the heat with tea lights with wicks I trim very low.

The burner is from Yankee Candle. Is it possible that it's just too thin and heats up too much? Does anyone have a burner they recommend? I've tried an electric oil warmer, but got no scent, so I'm assuming that these lovely oils need higher temps, but I can't seem to control the heat without removing the dish from the burner every five minutes. I also know that Angela thoroughly tests her wares, so I'm assuming it's user (or burner) error.

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Using HFOs properly--help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Using HFOs properly--help!   Using HFOs properly--help! EmptySun Sep 22, 2013 12:00 am

I use a soapstone burner from The Body Shop with the SS HFOs and it works great. The burner is quite hefty and thick, so I don't think it gets overly heated. I'm positive The Body Shop still carries these. Good luck!
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Using HFOs properly--help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Using HFOs properly--help!   Using HFOs properly--help! EmptySun Sep 22, 2013 2:38 am

I'll check those out, thank you!
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Using HFOs properly--help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Using HFOs properly--help!   Using HFOs properly--help! EmptySun Sep 22, 2013 4:30 pm

Do you mean smoke like *cough* *cough* type of smoke? The oils do "smoke" but what I mean is that you can see a vapor coming up from the dish but it doesn't smell acrid or off or anything of that nature. I have had SMOKE in a burner from bath and body works and the dish was glass and that puppy got HOT. However, the design of that burner was awful because even when properly using the branded Slatkin and Co. oil, it smoked within a matter of minutes and I had to blow it out. It was a shame since I purchased those burners and some HFOs for Christmas one year for G's Mom and my Mom and they had the same experience.

I can only really recommend the soapstone burners. Like I mention on the listing, that is how I tested them. They are pretty thick (see picture) so I think it prevents from overheating. I actually looked into carrying some on the site but could not find a wholesale distributor that was affordable when I first looked. I originally purchased mine years ago for a DOLLAR at Wal-Mart. I looked again at some point and did not see them again. Purchased from the candle/home fragrance/potpourri section of the store. I saw some online that are around $10 though.

I am sorry to hear you are having trouble! Hopefully someone else with another kind of burner can offer some assistance as well.

Thank you for commenting, SolsticeScholar!
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Using HFOs properly--help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Using HFOs properly--help!   Using HFOs properly--help! EmptySun Sep 22, 2013 7:46 pm

I'm not sure--I see vapor, but haven't had that with other brands, so pulled the burner before it could turn to cough cough smoke. I am using a soapstone burner, but I just ordered The Body Shop one that SolsticeScholar recommended above because if it works for one person, it will probably work for me, too. I suspect the soapstone dish I have from Yankee is just too thin above the flame, but I will let it vapor a bit before I pull it to see what happens.

I have a ceramic owl BBW burner I love love love, but I can't burn anything in it without genuine scary smoke. I'm scared to put a tealight in it with no oil, even, that sucker gets so hot! Absolutely terrible design.

Thank you so much for your help!
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