Hi, my name is Jenn... and this is my entry for the Contest!
I first learned about Solstice Scents from the Lush NA forums and was further intrigued by how many people absolutely raved about not only the scents, but the customer service (a huge plus in my book) and the turn-around time as well. For months I had been looking for a particular blend and had been rather disappointed by people promising things like the scent of leather bound books, creaky oak floors and the acrid tang of a cauldron bubbling softly in the background... just to have it smell like posies and buttercups and other such 'Girly' scents. I was about to give up.
Enter 2 of my fellow forumites, RobJon and Lushie4Lyfe.
Listening to the two of these people describe everything from the dry sniff to the dry down excited me, especially when it came to the resinous scents and the new fall collection! I had been hoping for products that smelled like these! And the more foodie-type scents just made my mouth water reading what people had thought of them! I couldn't wait to make my first order!
Problem: Limited income. Solution: some crafty selections!
Knowing that the Fall collection will only be around for a short while, my main interests are: Manor, Foxcroft, Candied Yams and Marshmallow, Witch's Cottage and Pumpkin Spice Latte. Harvest Moon also intrigues me as the description reminds me of fall in New England.
As for the General Catalogue... The list is so long of scents I'd like to try that if I did, it would just be a direct copy of the catalogue as it stands! Although, now that I sit back and think about it... Black Leather, Red Lace, Cafe Mallowmel, Cenobite and Cocoa Mallow are at the top of my list for non-LE purchases!
Thank you!