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 Would like to swap/sell BUTTERED RUM MALLOW (Winter 2013)

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Posts : 5
Join date : 2014-01-23
Age : 32
Location : Canada

Would like to swap/sell BUTTERED RUM MALLOW (Winter 2013) Empty
PostSubject: Would like to swap/sell BUTTERED RUM MALLOW (Winter 2013)   Would like to swap/sell BUTTERED RUM MALLOW (Winter 2013) EmptyThu May 08, 2014 1:44 am

I bought a full sized perfume(15$) without having tried it first, and unfortunately it just wasn't for me.
It's full/like new, as I have never worn it other than to try it on once or twice.

Do you have any perfumes that you aren't interested in keeping and would like to swap?
Or best offer if you want to purchase it from me.
Let me know if you are interested, xo
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Would like to swap/sell BUTTERED RUM MALLOW (Winter 2013)
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