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 What are your plans for the holidays?

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Cats in the Cradle
Liber Vix
Solstice Scents
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Solstice Scents
Solstice Scents

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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptySun Dec 11, 2011 9:08 pm

Just curious to see what you guys are doing for the holidays. Are you traveling to see family/friends? Since both my parents and G's parents are here in Gainesville, we celebrate locally. Often times my Grandpa will come up for Christmas. This will be my 10th Christmas with G. Our tradition is to go to his parents' house on Christmas Eve where we eat all kinds of yummy finger foods and do the presents thing. G eats at his folks house on Christmas Day and I eat at my parents' house on Christmas day. G and I do presents at my parents' house on Christmas morning.

Then, on New Year's Eve, we go off to my parents' house again and stuff our face with more finger foods. I bring the Petit Basque (mmmm) and some other things. This year I will be making our famous shrimp dip for the Christmas Eve celebration at G's parents' house.

What are you guys up to?
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Liber Vix

Liber Vix

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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptySun Dec 11, 2011 9:21 pm will be my 10th Christmas with my bf, G, as well! We usually have a get together with his family and then my parents, though the days and times change according to when everyone's available. I'm the resident baker, so I always bring baked goods of some kind. G's family is not very foodie (a bit on the bland side) so my desserts are sometimes the best part. But they are a bit more stable and predictable than my parents who are *euphamism alert* totally unhinged, so I never know what the plans will be with them. This year I'm planning a little Christmas dinner for just G and I in case any other plans go awry. geek It's all good though, either way.
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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptySun Dec 11, 2011 10:06 pm

You've just reminded me it will be my 12th year with my inlaws at the holidays. How does this happen? That's more than 1/3 of my life!

We go to their house on Christmas Eve and do presents there. It's usually cold cut sandwiches for dinner, which I wish I could veto for all eternity, but since I have no real say I go after the deviled eggs and bring the pies.

On Christmas morning, my father and his wife come over for brunch and presents. I will probably make orange rolls and strong coffee and extra crispy bacon. Mission complete.
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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptySun Dec 11, 2011 10:34 pm

Call me a Grinch, but I am not big on holiday celebrations. I prefer to hide in a warm place and wait out the madness, haha. I have been so busy with the end of the semester, grading student's assignments, etc. that I have no idea what I am going to cook! Probably some sort of vegan grain loaf, mashed potatoes, vegan mac and cheese casserole, and maybe some vegan red velvet cupcakes! I think on Christmas morning I will make vegan hot chocolate with marshmallows. I have to bring goodies with me wherever I go because most holiday food is not friendly to my diet--oh well. I do Christmas eve at my mom and stepdad's and Christmas day at my dad and stepmom's. There are lots of SS goodies for everyone.

Here is my dog's Christmas picture. Maybe I am not a Grinch after all. Wink

What are your plans for the holidays? Photo11
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Solstice Scents
Solstice Scents

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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptySun Dec 11, 2011 10:55 pm

Liber Vix, I read about your T-Day so can definitely see why you're having a back up plan. I hope that you have a nice time though. What kind of desserts do you make?

alicious - It's a 1/3 of my life! It's so weird to think because I actually had a crush on G in high school when I was 15, so I've known him half my life. I saw black leather pants and boots and I was a goner!

SS - love the picture of your dogs! And I don't think you're a grinch! If our parents weren't in town, we would be just hunkering down and I would probably be eating some kind of pasta or other non-holiday related food.
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Liber Vix

Liber Vix

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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptySun Dec 11, 2011 11:06 pm

I'm sure it will be fine, usually Christmas is one of the few times of the year my parents pull it together and are pleasant and supportive and somewhat hopeful, which is why the holiday has such happy memories for me and I love it now. Still, I've learned that it always helps to be prepared, lol!

What I make changes every year, I look through a gazillion cookbooks and baking magazines and mark things I want to try. As I type I am baking molasses and chocolate chip cookies and a pumpkin roll for our library's annual holiday party. I'm also going to make spinach dip for it tomorrow. Another thing I've really gotten into is making marshmallows...they are SO much better than the store-bought kind and people are amazed to realize they are homemade when I give them as gifts!
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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptySun Dec 11, 2011 11:07 pm

SS, your dogs are super cute! santa

I don't think I'll be doing much for Christmas. My family lives in a different state, and my fiance's parents don't celebrate Christmas, so I think he and I will be going to a friend's house on Christmas Day. On Christmas Eve, I think he and I will just hang out at home with our dogs. I'm kind of glad we're staying close to home, since I have been doing so much traveling this year with my job. I'm not too bummed I won't be seeing my family for Christmas, since I will be seeing them in February & March 2012 for my weddings.
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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptySun Dec 11, 2011 11:37 pm

solstice scents wrote:
I saw black leather pants and boots and I was a goner!

Black leather pants in high school? I'd have passed out in admiration. *fans self* I'm glad he turned out to be a great guy for more than his wardrobe! My husband had long dark hair, and so I knew he must be mine. Now it's long and mostly gray. Smile

SS, those dogs are adorable! Is the larger one a whippet?
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Solstice Scents
Solstice Scents

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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptyMon Dec 12, 2011 1:26 am

Salivating over the pumpkin roll, Liber Vix! I want to make marshmallows with marshmallow root and rosewater! I haven't tried it before. I really want to make a good Vegan version since I don't do gelatin.

greenphoenix - hanging with the dogs sounds like a great plan to me Very Happy

alicious - yes, and long dark hair to boot! That's a definite deal maker. Cool He doesn't dress like that anymore but he still is a great guy. It's kind of hard to operate the household like he does in leather pants anyhow. I can't fathom cleaning a chicken coop in leather pants. I am usually the site supervisor of operations in my leathers, however. LOL! I'm mostly kidding - I am practical most of the time.

SS, I was wondering what kind of dog the larger one is as well.
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Liber Vix

Liber Vix

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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptyMon Dec 12, 2011 12:38 pm

Angela, I would try Tastespotting, there are tons of marshmallows recipes from bloggers there and I'm sure some are vegan. I'm still new to the process so I feel safer getting my feel for it with the most common varieties...or maybe I'm just lazy and don't want to track down marshmallow root, lol! I also did a blog post on my pumpkin roll, which turned out pretty well, I must say. Laughing
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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptyMon Dec 12, 2011 1:58 pm

Thank you guys, they are pretty cute if I do say so myself. Wink Mocha, the larger dog, is an Italian Greyhound (smaller than a Whippet, but similar). Sprout, the smaller dog, is a Chihuahua and Toy Fox Terrier mix. No one realizes how hard it was to get that picture! Mocha thinks she is a supermodel and will start posing as soon as the camera comes out, but Sprout won't sit still for a picture to save her life. I love them both, but Mocha is definitely my baby. Italian Greyhounds are the best dogs ever in my book. She is super kind, sweet, and cuddly. Sometimes it is hard to get any work done around here because all she wants to do is cuddle with you! Smile
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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptyMon Dec 12, 2011 5:07 pm

Goodness, they are smaller than I thought they were! I am familiar with Italian Greyhounds; I keep threatening to take my brother's little one home with me when I visit. pirat

edited because I have one brother, not plural

Last edited by alicious on Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Cats in the Cradle

Cats in the Cradle

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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptyTue Dec 13, 2011 7:45 pm

SS, you are not a Grinch, I totally get the dogs!
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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptyTue Dec 13, 2011 9:30 pm

We switch off between my husband's family and my family each year. When they have it cold cut sandwiches are ALWAYS the main entree on the buffet table, so I sympathize with Alicious!

This year we are meeting my brothers at Mom and Dad's for Christmas Eve, then the clan will head over to our house for brunch in the morning. Nothing fancy--just basic midwestern egg cassarole, sausage, bacon, toast, fruit. I usually try to slip in something fun, but last year my zucchini croquettes were looked at askance by my carnivore brothers.
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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptyWed Dec 14, 2011 10:15 am

SS-your dogs are adorable and having 2 myself, I know just how hard it was to snap that photo! I have to work all Christmas Eve, but have Christmas Day off and will celebrate at home with the hubby and his 3 kids, who will all be here.We open gifts about noon (they are with their mom till then) then cook a turkey dinner (per their request) then it is on to watching movies. A very low key relaxing day, which I love. my husband and I exchange our stockings and gifts Christmas morning by ourselves, which is nice. In the past, I always have had a party Christmas eve, but not since I moved to Iowa 4yrs ago. Now I usually have to work either Christmas Eve or Day (the life of a nurse). Can't wait to start baking today-big party this Sat and friends for lunch Friday! Very Happy I really enjoy reading how everyone celebrates!
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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptyWed Dec 14, 2011 1:20 pm

Thank you, debibob! Did you take any Christmas pictures of your "babies"? Also, what are you baking? I am not a great baker, in my opinion, so I am always curious what others are making. Smile
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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptyWed Dec 14, 2011 10:36 pm

SS-I have not taken a Xmas photo of the dogs-they have been unccopoerative! My husband and I are making flourless chocolate cake, sherry bundt cake, mexican wedding cookies, peanut brittle, peant butter cookies, chocolate rum balls, thumbprint cookies with chocolate kisses, and 7 layer bars. Just a few little things! Now I am hungry! I think my dogs need to take lessons from yours-they are so cute!
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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptySat Dec 17, 2011 6:23 pm

Christmas Eve - plan to be with a couple of families that we've known for years. They are the 'family' that we got to choose! Christmas Day we will be with my husband's mom & possibly his sisters & other extended family. Still waiting on my mom to decide what she wants to do. Uggh!

SS - your dogs are darling!
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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 12:12 pm

This year I have been given a really awesome Christmas 'gift' from the person who does the scheduling and my Asistant Manager this year. I've been given 5 days off in a row (the 23rd thru the 27th) and I get paid for all of it! affraid

Reason? I had enough vacation time left on the books to make it possible... but I never asked for it... and I was willing to work all of the other holidays on the books.

Sooo... I plan on just having a nice quiet semi-week with my son and husband... and the furbabies.

Last edited by AngloAngel on Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:13 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I can't spell on a sip of coffee... I has a saddness.)
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You smell pretty!

You smell pretty!

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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Holiday plans   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 2:36 pm

Like Solstice Scholar, I'm also a teacher. All day long I feel like I'm getting pulled in a million directions. So I, too, look forward to finding a cozy place to hide during holiday time and choose not to engage in a lot of stressful, commercial driven hoopla. I consider holiday stress optional!

Christmas vacation lets me remember first what the season is all about. Then, I remember that I'm also an artist and this time allows me to immerse myself in creative pursuits such as painting and sculpting. I also like to make Victorian style Christmas ornaments with German scrap, Dresden and tinsel for my feather tree. Typically, I'll create an elaborate silk lampshade during this time. Ah, precious TIME!

Also, like SS, I'm looking forward to creating a yummy, vegetarian/vegan Christmas dinner. This will be my first dinner away from the traditional and the hubby is good with it.

Happy Holidays to you all! santa
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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 5:28 pm

debibob wrote:
SS-I have not taken a Xmas photo of the dogs-they have been unccopoerative! My husband and I are making flourless chocolate cake, sherry bundt cake, mexican wedding cookies, peanut brittle, peant butter cookies, chocolate rum balls, thumbprint cookies with chocolate kisses, and 7 layer bars. Just a few little things! Now I am hungry! I think my dogs need to take lessons from yours-they are so cute!

Oh wow, that all sounds so good, you are tempting me!!! Especially the cake. I love Mexican wedding cakes, but don't think I've ever come across a vegan version of them--will have to hunt around. Maybe the dogs and I will have to offer doggy modeling classes, haha. Wink
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What are your plans for the holidays? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your plans for the holidays?   What are your plans for the holidays? EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 5:31 pm

You smell pretty! wrote:
Like Solstice Scholar, I'm also a teacher. All day long I feel like I'm getting pulled in a million directions. So I, too, look forward to finding a cozy place to hide during holiday time and choose not to engage in a lot of stressful, commercial driven hoopla. I consider holiday stress optional!

Christmas vacation lets me remember first what the season is all about. Then, I remember that I'm also an artist and this time allows me to immerse myself in creative pursuits such as painting and sculpting. I also like to make Victorian style Christmas ornaments with German scrap, Dresden and tinsel for my feather tree. Typically, I'll create an elaborate silk lampshade during this time. Ah, precious TIME!

Also, like SS, I'm looking forward to creating a yummy, vegetarian/vegan Christmas dinner. This will be my first dinner away from the traditional and the hubby is good with it.

Happy Holidays to you all! santa

Ahhhh, so glad you know how I feel and I totally agree with your philosophy toward the holidays! What do you teach, if you don't mind me asking? I just submitted my grades yesterday--phew!--and no students have complained yet! Smile
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