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 There's no place like home after the holidays . . .

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Posts : 223
Join date : 2011-09-26
Location : Kingdom of Maize and Edamame

There's no place like home after the holidays . . . Empty
PostSubject: There's no place like home after the holidays . . .   There's no place like home after the holidays . . . EmptySun Nov 27, 2011 11:44 pm

I was cursing traffic all the way back knowing the preciousssss was cooling its heels a few degrees above freezing in our metal mailbox.

I was most looking forward to Snowshoe Pass and it does not disappoint. It's sweet, but not a foody vanilla. It reminds me a bit of BPAL's Celeste and is wonderful.

Night Star has a strong patch note at first, but it's not a gnarly rooty patch. The nutmeg gives it a dark, back of the spice cupboard feel. I'm hoping the lemon comes out after it's had a chance to rest.

Sugarvale was exactly how I imagined it would be--gooey, over-the-top decadence.

Flintlock has been a flip flopper on me. At first I put on a tiny bit because I thought it would be pretty sharp and masculine. Surprisingly, it was very smooth and soft and I was pleasantly amazed. However, I don't think I rolled the vial the first time because when I put some more on, the leather, tobacco and pepper popped and it became much more MANLY man pirat and in line with what I originally thought it would be. Angela's description of this like a brown leather jacket is excellent.

I haven't done skin tests of the others, but on cold sniff Russian Caravan reminds me of an intriguing old wooden spice chest. Will follow up with my impressions as I test more. This is an amazing release.
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Join date : 2011-11-26
Location : So. CA

There's no place like home after the holidays . . . Empty
PostSubject: Re: There's no place like home after the holidays . . .   There's no place like home after the holidays . . . EmptySat Dec 03, 2011 4:47 am

I think I have to try Flintlock again. I tried it along with Russian Caravan at the same time and they blended really nicely...but then I couldn't tell them apart. I was just drowning in all the notes I really enjoy in blends.
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Posts : 223
Join date : 2011-09-26
Location : Kingdom of Maize and Edamame

There's no place like home after the holidays . . . Empty
PostSubject: Re: There's no place like home after the holidays . . .   There's no place like home after the holidays . . . EmptySat Dec 03, 2011 3:23 pm

I hear you! I find I have to try things several times over a few days to fully appreciate them. There have been several I was "meh" about at first, then loved. I tried Travelers in my first order and didn't care for it. I just got it in a sample with my last order and thought it was glorious. The season in which I test a scent plays a big factor, too!
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There's no place like home after the holidays . . . Empty
PostSubject: Re: There's no place like home after the holidays . . .   There's no place like home after the holidays . . . Empty

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