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Solstice Scents
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Solstice Scents
Solstice Scents

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Join date : 2011-09-11

COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog) Empty
PostSubject: COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog)   COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog) EmptyFri May 16, 2014 8:17 pm

Pure Chocolate - 5ml

100% mouthwatering natural cocoa absolute in Perfumer's alcohol. This single note chocolate fragrance smells like a divine blast of sugared cocoa powder and sweet hot chocolate. On initial application, you will experience a blast of cocoa. This soon settles down to a soft chocolate scent which hovers closer to the skin but has great staying power. Cocoa Absolute perfume is wonderful on its own but it is really special when layered with some of our other fragrances to bring additional dimension or a new twist. It layers especially well with Vanilla Pipe Tobacco, Heart of the Night, Black Forest, Cocoa Mallow, Blackburn's Parlor, Cherry Cordial and Cafe Mallowmel. If you have tried the premium perfumes Midnight Oil or Private Eye, you will already be familiar with our cocoa absolute. Cocoa absolute may stain lighter colored clothing and skin. When applying the perfume, rub it in quickly as it is easier to work into skin with less chance of staining. Apply once to wrists and add another layer when dry to build the concentration of the cocoa absolute. This fragrance is surprisingly wonderful to wear to bed.

Pure natural cocoa absolute with no synthetic fragrance oils. Please shake gently before each use as the cocoa absolute will settle to the bottom. A few shakes will quickly and easily disperse the scent evenly.

Application tip: If your roller ball runs dry during application, remove black cap, hold your bottle vertically with roller ball pointing to the ground and forcefully shake/thrust the bottle down one time to replenish the oil in the well. Now it is ready to reapply to your skin.

COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog) Coab210
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Age : 29
Location : San Antonio, TX

COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog) Empty
PostSubject: Re: COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog)   COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog) EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 1:13 pm

I received this in the mail a couple of weeks ago and I absolutely adore it! I am a huge chocolate lover, so I thought I'd give this a try and oh boy. I'm wearing it right now. This smells exactly like warm, melting chocolate on your skin. It's so indulgent and I'm obsessing over it. 10/10, I would buy this over and over again!  Smile
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Join date : 2011-09-26
Location : Kingdom of Maize and Edamame

COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog) Empty
PostSubject: Re: COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog)   COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog) EmptySat Aug 30, 2014 6:42 pm

This is melty, rich chocolate. It even leaves a telltale smear on your arm like a drippy chocolate bar eaten in the hot summer sun. The scent doesn't last as long as I'd like, so I'll experiment with my scent locked or putting a bit on the ends of my hair (which luckily is dark brown, too!)
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Join date : 2014-01-21
Location : planet earth, milky way galaxy

COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog) Empty
PostSubject: Re: COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog)   COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog) EmptyThu Jan 29, 2015 6:43 pm

This smells exactly like cocoa... Because it is. I bought this blind because there was literally no way it could be bad, and I wasn't disappointed. It's warm and delicious smelling and it probably tastes alright too but I'm not gonna risk it, as tempting as it is. It leaves a stain on my arm no matter how quickly I rub it in but I guess that's what I get for being so ridiculously pale. It's basically just a really rich and delicious scent and it makes me want hot cocoa really bad
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Join date : 2015-09-17

COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog) Empty
PostSubject: Re: COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog)   COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog) EmptyThu Sep 17, 2015 6:21 pm

This is the perfect layering scent yet can also be worn alone. I've mixed with many scents. Love it for that purpose. If I want a rich chocolate aroma I wear alone. Very versatile.
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Posts : 163
Join date : 2011-09-28
Age : 37

COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog) Empty
PostSubject: Re: COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog)   COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog) EmptyTue Mar 22, 2016 5:41 pm

Smells just like a melting Hershey's bar and Hershey's chocolate syrup. Also smells just like Bella Lucce's Peruvian Cocoa bath line.
After wearing Pinyon Truffle and Lavender Raspberry Truffle, this is almost underwhelming, lol, but this is a good cocoa absolute. I'll definitely wear this when I want a simple, easy to wear chocolate Smile and this will layer well with pretty much anything.
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COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog) Empty
PostSubject: Re: COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog)   COCOA ABSOLUTE PREMIUM 5ML (General Catalog) Empty

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